Train for Strength and Power

One month | In-Person |

Small Group

Are you a woman in mid-life?

Have you noticed yourself saying things like, “everything feels different” and “nothing works the way it used to work”?

Do you keep trying the same diet and exercise programs and not getting the “results” you want?

Your life is different, your body is different. You are different.

You need a different kind of training.

What Makes This Different

Maggie helped me reclaim my basic human ability to feel and fulfill desire. She unlocked my ability to reach for what I want.” - Marisa

  • It’s sustainable and holistic, we address all aspects of fitness.

  • As close to having a personal trainer as you can get with out paying for a trainer.

  • It is a complete program. There is a start date and and end date.

About the curriculum:

  1. Focus on DNS 1 minute about DNS 

  2. Sessions are purpose driven. This is about YOU, the bio-individual.

  3. We will address aspects of fitness that have previously been ignored.

Program Details

  • Three days a week in February

  • We meet Monday, Wednesday, Friday 6:30am-7:30am no session 2/19

  • Only 4 women per cohort

  • All sessions in-person

  • Investment: $999

Session Details

We will meet in person at:

560 Stevens Ave.

Solana Beach, CA 92075

Session Sechedule:

Initial valuation session: January 31

February 5th, 7th, 9th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 23rd, 26th, 28th, & March 1st.