Quit Whining. Do Something Hard.
We all know a whiner. Always complaining, everything in their life is too hard. They are the kind of person that sees everything as an obstacle and offer no solutions. They are hard to be around because you can never tell what is really a problem and what they are just whining about.
But enough about them. Let’s talk about you. Are you doing hard stuff? It’s easy to see in other people, but we get pretty comfortable with our own justifications for stopping short.
This is one thing I love about Personal Training.
Pushing people to do hard stuff.
Unless we do hard work we won’t know how hard we can push, how much we can handle and what we are ultimately capable of accomplishing.
When you consistently challenge yourself you can trust yourself when the going gets tough.
Seriously. Stop whining. But lets talk about it, what does it feel like? Pressure? Stress? Tension? Can you feel the heat rising? You want to quit and run away? Failure is certain so stop early!
I finally accomplish my first pistol squat.
That is all just fine. You can feel that way and keep going. You can have all the doubts and just move right on through. And then next time, you will recognize that sensation, it’s not CERTAIN DEATH; it’s that pressure that comes when you are doing something hard.
This is how we begin to trust ourselves. Can you trust yourself?
I just wanted to see if I could do it. So I did.
This work training the body translates directly to life.
Challenging yourself physically shows you your weaknesses, limits and motivations.
Speaking of motivations, what DO you want to do? How could you challenge yourself in a meaningful way? That is a hot topic, maybe you are acting weak because your life is not motivating you. Do you LIKE the things you do? hmmmmm?
And if you are reading this while running down the list of reasons why you can’t do (fill in the blank), you might be a whiner and you need to do some hard work.
And now for the obligatory caveat for all the naysayers...
I am not advocating training through pain. I live with chronic pain, I know. I would never ask anyone to do something that would cause harm.
Climbing this mountain was so scary I cried and I did it anyway. I lived and now I know how strong I am.
But until you get to the place where you push yourself for personally meaningful challenges, you will stay right. where. you. are. I am not making this up and I am not alone in this idea. Great thinkers from the past as well as my mentors of today reap and preach the rewards of challenges.
You don't have to do it alone.
I can help.
I'll even let you whine a little while you are working hard.